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Developer Panel

Corbado Update: January 2024

Here’s what’s been going on in the Corbado labs during the last weeks:

#1 Updated Flutter PasskeysPackage#

Flutter Passkeys for Firebase are live in the Extension Hub: Users can now add passkeys to their new or existing Firebase projects.

Extended support for excludeCredentials WebAuthn server option in the Flutter passkeys package.

#2 Release of new Reactand Vanilla JavaScript Components#

Release of stable version of @corbado/react and @corbado/web-js packages (v1.0.0).

Updated documentation for these new UI components by providing docs, updating code snippets in the developer panel wizard, READMEs & live examples.

Support for email OTPs as passwordless login method and three verification flows.

#3 Optimization of  developer panel#

Cleanup of the login page.

Introduction of a project setup and session wizard to speed up and ease the integration.